The magic bookmark, Iraklis Lampadariou
ISBN (ebook): 978-618-5040-23-9
September 2013
Saita publications
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A student dislikes school and reading. He dislikes them so much he gets a rush just by hearing those two words. But one day he has to produce something handmade for a school assignment. So he asks his mother for her help and she advises him to make a bookmark.
The student makes that bookmark and at the same time he develops an interest for books. His reading is slow and timid but he uses the bookmark he has made. The bookmark (magically) moves on to the next pages and before he knows it on to the next book and the next book and the next book…
The student tries to find out what is happening with the bookmark and he follows it by reading more and more books with greater love and anticipation.

Iraklis Lampadariou was born in Katerini in 1988, but grew up in Kavala. He has been dealing faithfully with volunteering, both organising and participating in various collective actions, since the age of 10. He has studied classic literature in the Democritus University of Thrace (2005-2009). He loves learning foreign languages; he already speaks English, French, Spanish and he has started learning Slovak and Chinese. He has travelled in many places in Europe, involving himself in a multicultural dialogue that has certainly affected his way of thinking. He writes stories for the child each one of us hides inside them and constantly tries to figure out ways in which schools could cultivate students’ creativity and imagination.
In August 2012 he created Saita publications, a digital, non-commercial space from which books are distributed for free. He’s the author of “Creative class with enough imagination”, “The magic bookmark” and “Greetings and wishes”.
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Αpollonia Paramythioti
Cover, page layout:
Mary Lampadariou
Translation from Greek:
Angeliki Vavali
Eva Smirli-Bainbridge
Android application development:
Antonis Panoris
With special thanks to Konstantina Charlavani for the editing of the original text in Greek.
Saita publications
42 Athanasiou Diakou str, 652 01, Kavala, Greece
Τ.: 0030 2510 831856
M.: 0030 6977 070729
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