The volcano who got the sniffles, Evridiki Amanatidou
ISBN (ebook): 978-618-5040-14-7
July 2013
Saita publications
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“Sleepy has the sniffles.”
“It’s alright, it will pass! It’s only a cold!”
“But Sleepy is not a human.”
“What is he then?”
“He is a volcano!”
“Well I’ll be! Do volcanoes get the sniffles as well?”
An allegoric story about an adorable kid and the need we all have for a good company, a strong friendship. Also about the beauty that spreads all around when coming from a kind heart.
Evridiki Amanatidou lives in Athens, even when she rests in her own world, hanging out with her other self, Erilia. Although she has studied in Law School, she always preferred playing with words, paper and pencils. For argument’s sake, so far, four of her novels and a children’s theatrical play “A hat for the professor”, which was awarded by the Ministry of Culture, have been published.
Some of her texts can be found in various websites such as: http://www.schooltime.gr, http://www.deity.gr, http://www.mesogios.gr,http://www.vivliodeiktis.blogspot.gr, http://www.onestory.gr, http://www.antiepilogou.gr, http://www.fresh-magazine.net
She would be glad to meet you all in her e-homes: http://evriam.blogspot.gr and http://politeiatiserilias.blogspot.gr or in http://www.facebook.com/evridiki.amanatidou

Cover, Illustrations:
Evgenia Papaioannou
Translation from Greek:
John Zervas
Page layout:
Iraklis Lampadariou
Development of Android application:
Antonis Panoris
Saita publications
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website: http://www.saitapublications.gr
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